Cancer Therapy
Adjuvant Cancer Therapy (A-joo-vant THAYR-uh-pee)
Treatment given after the primary cancer treatment to
increase the chances of a cure. Adjuvant cancer
therapy may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy,
hormone therapy, or biological therapy.
The primary breast cancer treatment is an operation to
remove the tumor. Regrettably, after the tumor is
surgically removed the cancer may still return. If it
is concluded that you have a high risk of breast
cancer returning, adjuvant cancer therapy may be
recommended to help prevent your breast cancer from
coming back.
There are two types of adjuvant cancer treatment
Local adjuvant cancer therapy
- is directed on a certain area to destroy any cancer
cells left after surgical removal of a tumor. Local
adjuvant cancer therapy consists of radiation
treatments to the breast, chest wall or armpit. Local
adjuvant radiation therapy is typically recommended
for patients that:
- Have a lumpectomy rather than mastectomy
- Their tumor is typically larger than 2 inches
- Their tumor has moved into the chest wall muscles
- Multiple lymph nodes were involved with the tumor
- Have a case of inflammatory breast cancer
About three to six weeks after surgery, local adjuvant
cancer radiation treatment usually begins. If you
choose chemotherapy and radiation as adjuvant therapy,
you usually receive chemotherapy first, followed by
the radiation. Radiation can be given at the same time
as adjuvant hormone therapy if you choose that path.
The risk of breast cancer recurrence is no different
if you choose lumpectomy with radiation or mastectomy
without radiation.
Systemic adjuvant therapy
- covers the entire body in hopes of destroying any
cancer cells that may have moved to other parts of the
body. Some cells, too small to be seen, may have been
missed during your primary treatment. Any cancer cells
that may have spread, even if they cannot be detected
by radiologic or laboratory tests may remain dormant
for some time before growing. It may be recommended
that you think about systemic adjuvant cancer therapy,
because it covers your entire body.
Chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy or a
combination of these therapies may be suggested.
Adjuvant cancer therapy may destroy or help to control
cancer throughout your body to help you live longer
and cancer-free.
Neither of these cancer treatment options
alone or in combination — makes it possible to know
precisely who needs adjuvant cancer therapy after
surgery or if you can gain any benefit from the
therapy. The choice must be made by you after
carefully evaluating the options, risks and benefits
of either cancer treatment therapy.