Center For Breast Cancer Treatment
Knowing the signs
and symptoms of breast cancer can help to save your
life. When the disease is discovered early, your cancer treatment options are increased and you have
a better chance for curing your breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Facts
. Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed
cancer among women.
. Breast cancer is second only to lung cancer in
cancer deaths among women.
. About 192,370 new cases of breast cancer will be
diagnosed in American
women in 2009
. An estimated 1,910 new cases of breast cancer will
be diagnosed in men in
the United States during 2009.
. An estimated 40,170 women will die from breast
cancer in 2009.
. An estimated 440 men will die from breast cancer
in 2009.
. One woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every
three minutes, and one woman will die of breast
cancer every
13 minutes in the United States.
. The five-year relative survival rate for women
with localized breast cancer (cancer that has not
spread to lymph
nodes or other locations outside the breast) has increased from 74
percent in 1982 to 98 percent in 2009.
. The most proven and significant risk factors for
getting breast cancer are being female and getting
. Approximately 5 percent to 10 percent of breast
cancers are due to heredity. The majority of women
with breast
cancer have no known significant family history or other known risk
. A woman's chance of developing breast cancer
increases with age. Approximately 80 percent of all
cancers occur in women 50 years of age and older.
. In the United States, a woman has about a 13.2
percent, or 1 in 8, lifetime risk of developing
breast cancer.
. The chance of a woman dying from breast cancer is
about 1 in 35.
. In the United States today, there are more than
2.5 million breast cancer survivors.
Statistics provided by United States and G. Komen for
the Cure
There is more reason for hope than ever before.
Doctors have made great strides in the last 30 years
with early diagnosis and cancer treatments which
have reduced breast cancer deaths. Now there are
better cancer treatment options, and many women have more choices of alternative cancer treatments which
help to eliminate radical breast surgeries.
The Four Steps to Good Breast Health
1. Monthly Breast Self-Exam - Know how your breasts
normally look and feel. Examine your breasts monthly
and report any changes to your doctor. If you find a
lump or other changes in your breast, make an
appointment to see your doctor for an assessment.
2. Regular Checkup
- See your doctor
yearly for a clinical breast exam. This exam can
reveal abnormalities missed by a mammogram.
3. Mammography Exam
- The American Cancer Society recommends having a
baseline mammogram at age 35 and yearly mammograms
beginning at age 40. If you are younger than 40 and
have a family history of breast cancer or other
concerns, discuss when to begin screening with your
4. Risk Evaluation
- Identify your risk factors for breast cancer and
discuss them with your doctor:
. Increasing age
. A mother, sister or daughter with breast cancer
. The results of breast biopsy with abnormal cells
. Beginning your first period before age 12
. Having a child after age 30 or not ever having
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